Real Life Business Calamities

Every business suffers from real life business calamities. Sometimes it’s unavoidable loss of a key member of the team. Maybe the biggest customers finds a cheaper, or shudder the thought, better company to deal with. There is always a risk that something can go wrong – it’s how you deal with it that counts.


Jakob Oakstock

Sydeline Investor and Director

Personal Profile

Colour : Green
Artist : Libertines, The Cure, Arctic Monkeys
Phobia : Anuptaphobia. Fear of being single
Food : Bohemia’s Yorkshire Peasant 
Drink: Highland Park 18 Year Whiskey

"Really! That’s brilliant - I've always thought you had hidden depths" - Jakob Oakstock, Sydeline Investor

Jakob is… 40 something, rich (inherited). Very busy, switched on but disengaged, feared for no good reason. Invested in Sydeline as a bet made with Nero Zero. Will do anything to win. Seriously fancies Zelda – she is oblivious to his desires. However, Nero knows!

Real Life Business Calamities

It’s possible to think that all businesses amble along with very little going wrong.  A small rise and fall in sales, but generally on the up.  However, that is very unlikely.  Every business suffers a calamity or two.  Sometimes it’s unavoidable loss of a key member of the team.  Maybe the biggest customers finds a cheaper, or shudder the thought, better company to deal with.  There is always a risk that something can go wrong – it’s how you deal with it that counts.

Sydeline, the company that adds the drama to our podcast Blue Sky Stinking, lives on the permanent edge of calamity.  Trying to stretch the concept of innovation and abandoning tried and tested business practice, Zelda Zero leads the way in creating a risky venture.  Jakob Oakstock, for personal reasons, seems intent on propping up this disaster waiting to happen.

So why would you listen to a story on how not to run a business?  Because Blue Sky Stinking is telling the, sometimes untold, stories of so many real-life calamities… they are just all happening to Sydeline for some reason.  

Find out the reasons, learn the about the things to avoid and strategies to employ by listening and subscribing to this weekly podcast today.

How Gydeline helps

We, at Gydeline, help small and medium sized organisations save money and time by building systems, processes and policies that simplify their business and support their sustainability aims.  We do this with a range of services.

If you would like to discuss any aspects of dealing with this and other risks in your business we are always happy to offer some, free, no obligation assistance – just contact us.

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